I am a little afraid of using colour. I’ll quite happily sit and do pencil drawings, but I really don’t know where to start when mixing and blending colours. I haven’t got the slightest clue how to shade with paint. I’ve seen a few Instagram videos of people creating some pretty cool effects using watercolour, using a wet on wet method, so I thought I’d have a go. I found a sweet painting of a peacock on Pinterest and I took my first steps by trying to replicate it. See my attempt below (I’ve added the original onto my art board on Pinterest so that you can see how the professional artist did it).
Now, I know it isn’t fantastic but I’m pretty proud of myself for finally picking up the paintbrushes that I had for my birthday in February!
I got a little more adventurous with my second attempt. I did this sketch of some Koi Carp that I found again on Pinterest.
Then I redrew them on some watercolour paper. Using a clean brush dipped in water I went all over a fish until it was completely wet. I then dabbed a little watercolour onto the fish in splodges and let the paint spread out until they looked like this. See my video demonstration on Instagram.
I’ve added some background colour but I think it needs more and I’ve got to add some grey paint as shading to the fish but I’m still a little scared so I haven’t got that far yet. I will keep trying and with every failure I’ll learn something new and hopefully improve as an artist.
Any help or advice is always welcome, please leave comments below and if you want to show me your watercolour paintings, join my facebook group and upload them.
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