Welcome to Homespun Dreamer. I am happy that you have found your way here. This is a place for art lovers to find inspiration and to release their creativity. I hope you enjoy your visit.
A little about me; a working mum, pretty tired of the daily grind, trying always to juggle too many balls at once and not to drop the important ones. Stress and tiredness had become the norm until I eventually broke. My attempt at being a superwoman had failed and my health suffered. I developed menier’s disease that was so debilitating that I had to leave my job. We couldn’t really afford for me to do so, but I could not afford not to. I truly felt on the brink.
At first I just zombied around, dropped the kids off at school and went and sat in the library, I didn’t even read the book that I was holding. I’d have days where the vertigo was so bad that I couldn’t get out of bed, couldn’t even move my head and I had to deal with my children calling ‘Dad’, where it had always been ‘Mom’. I had gone from having a job in finance with a good deal of responsibility and autonomy, running a home and caring for 4 children, to not even being able to lift my head.
Eventually the library visits became more pleasant, it became my sanctuary. I started to read the book I was holding, speaking to the staff. I started to remember who I was. I’d forgotten what I liked. I used to sit and draw, I used to crochet and cross stitch. When was the last time that I had even picked up a pencil?
Summer came and the village green called. I took my kindle and sketch book. Lay on the grass, the gentle traffic noise cancelling out the 3 new tinnitus whistles that usually nagged at me and I drew. I used pinterest for inspiration and copied other works to get me back into the swing of holding a pencil. Have you ever written on a keyboard for so long that when you write by hand again, your writing looks a mess? Well that was like for me with those first attempts but I am persevering.
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